We decided that family pictures where needed before Michael left for boot camp, which is coming waaaay too fast now.
A wonderful and talented friend offered to take the pictures for us. Let me tell you now that I loved her to death before, so that you don't mistake all the love going out to her from this post to be ALL about the pictures. :)
Here we all are. Yes I know this is the only one of me. I did that on purpose. Moving on . . .

Our beautiful blessings.

My precious boys. Did you know that I always wanted a house totally full of boys?? I will wait that for another post.

Isn't she lovely?? I totally have that song stuck in your head now right? I tried. :)
The bow and tutu were made by sweet wonderful friends of mine. I love them too! Thank you Audrey and Kate!!

Awe! Look at that silly, silly girl!
Aren't they great?!?!? I love you my sweet friend who braved my crazy family to get these precious pictures. To make all of this even better, all of these pictures took something like 20 minutes to get. Woohoo!!!!
I am going to order some of the pictures to put up in our room so that they kids get to see Michael every day and night.
Love ya'll,
Love ya'll,